Your entry door to the world of efficiency and accountability (ROI)
Welcome to your first step to become an ROI specialist and finally prove sales and marketing’s worth in real economic terms in a credible way.
Transforming Your Brand Using the Metaverse
Eight Strategic Elements to Plan For
Hyper local Communication – has its time come?
We were triggered to write this piece, as we watched a new Cadbury initiative go viral.
The economy might bounce back but what about your brand?
The pandemic and the consequent lockdown across the country has left a lasting impact on people’s lives
Five Steps to Start Measuring Marketing ROI
A mini storm got created by the recent Tanishq ad with a fair bit of comments made from both sides
A History of India’s TV Rating Measurement
So do you know the ROI of your marketing?
Managing your Credo – Some lessons from Tanishq
In India, television viewership measurement or television rating points (TRPs) have been in existence since 1993
Why brand promotions should move to M-coupons
When you start a mobile coupon (M-Coupon) campaign, there are many interesting things that can be done
Research Strategy for Brand Recovery Post COVID
COVID-19 has driven marketing spends down globally
Selling to the Connected Consumer
In the large, inter-connected world there are digital haves and digital have-nots.
Robo Coupled CEO Dashboards
There are two categories of measures for any consumer business.
Identifying Future Safe Business
Business Model is a vaguely articulated document in the best of enterprises.
Winning Over Consumers
Consumer marketing needs a lot of logical mathematics.
Outsmarting Covid19 Recession
Businessmen will find themselves in unchartered waters as they head towards a stiff, covid19 recession.
Roadmap to successful innovation
Is the innovation process formalised, used across and reviewed?